Remodeling Blog | Corvallis Custom Kitchens & Baths

6 Ways to Maximize Your Kitchen Storage

Written by Tinsa Schweitzer | Sep 25, 2021 3:28:00 PM

Have you ever been on your hands and knees trying to reach a fondue pot in the back of a deep kitchen cupboard, wondering, “What is the most efficient way to organize a kitchen? Because this is not it.” Whether it was a fondue pot, a potato ricer, or a canister of kasha, every homeowner with a kitchen has struggled with where to put things in the kitchen.

Here at Corvallis Custom Kitchens & Baths, our expertise is helping people maximize kitchen space through smart design, creating extra kitchen space savers, shelf space, deep cupboard storage solutions, custom kitchen pantries and more. Here are some of the best kitchen storage ideas we’ve found and implemented in our clients’ homes:


1. Custom Kitchen Pantries

If you think you need a lot of extra space for a custom pantry, think again. By re-thinking your kitchen space a little, you will probably see some poorly-used space that’s just… not doing anything. It’s places like this that our design-build Corvallis contractors can create slim, pull-out pantries that make life so much better without taking up any more space that you already have. It’s one of the best ways to answer the question: “How do you maximize space in a small kitchen?” But custom, pull-out pantries like this can be designed for any size kitchen. It’s just a matter of making the space you have work better.


2. Kitchen Cabinet Storage Ideas

Some custom craftsmanship and creativity can turn your cluttered cabinets into a dream of organized shelf space and ease of access. Many older homes have these ridiculously deep cabinets that look like a great idea at first (Shelves! Space!) until you realize how hard it is to get to the stuff in the back. This is why you need built-in kitchen cabinet space savers like pull-out sections where you can easily “file” all your baking pans, sheets and even pots and pans. You can customize the cabinets to fit your kitchen equipment so all of it is easy to reach anytime you need it. Those irritating “corner cabinets” that feature so much wasted space can be maximized with a “lazy Susan” rotating design that spins and keeps everything you need organized perfectly.


3. Organized Kitchen Drawers

Most kitchen drawers are just generic spaces where you have to cram things. There’s always something that doesn’t quite fit, or you end up with unused space that you can’t stuff anything into. And then you end up with “junk drawers” and clutter. Custom kitchen drawer organizers are a kitchen storage must-have because we can design them to fit your stuff, so it all stays organized. Consider a drawer devoted to your kitchen towel storage, where all of your kitchen rags and towels actually fit and are easy to access when you need to quickly wipe up a spill. One of our favorite custom kitchen drawer ideas is a spice drawer where you can alphabetize and store all of your, exactly as you want them, in a cool, dry part of the kitchen where they’ll stay fresher longer and won’t get dusty. Add pegs and dividers to organize, well, everything. Better drawers and cabinets means less stuff cluttering the countertops. Speaking of which…


4. Kitchen Countertop Storage Cabinet Ideas

A cluttered kitchen countertop can feel messy, and it can be difficult to get anything done there. Trying to roll out sugar cookies? Not enough space! It can also be annoying not to have a hiding place for your kitchen appliances like stand mixers, insta-cookers, slow-cookers, etc. So, during any kitchen remodeling project, it’s a good idea to re-think the countertops and build in some dedicated storage cabinets for those things that you never really “put away” but don’t want to see gathering dust. They can host your appliances, so your countertop space stays clear and open, ready to roll out whatever dough you’ve got going on.


5. Kitchen Walls that Work

If you have any kitchen wall space that is just not doing anything for you, you can make it work for you too. Installing shallow cabinets with sliding doors gives you space for small items or extra pantry space. Installing a peg board gives you the option of hanging frequently-used items within easy reach. Or, you can create a small “office space” or charging station with extra outlets or entertainment station with a wall-mounted tech area. Or you can just keep it simple with a magnetic white board or chalkboard paint where you post the day’s schedule or shopping list reminders.


6. Brilliant Kitchen Island Storage

Kitchen islands can be a huge help when it comes to extra kitchen storage space. Your kitchen design can include hidden spaces for the trash and recycling, extra pull-out cabinets for any number of kitchen items you need, as well as a space to stash the bar stools and sit for breakfast. That way you can design it as a gathering place, a food prep area and under-island storage, all at the same time. If your beautiful and ultra-functional kitchen island doesn't have a sink on it, you might consider having a pull-out laptop desk or charging station here as well, complete with extra outlets. (Yes, another thing people often want in their kitchens, along with more kitchen storage space options is more GFCI outlets for all of the appliances and tech they want to use in the kitchen!)


Get a Kitchen with the Perfect Look Corvallis Homeowners Crave

If you need to find a better way to maximize your kitchen storage space (and who doesn’t?), contact the kitchen remodeling experts at Corvallis Custom Kitchens & Baths to discuss your needs today. We can get you started on the right path, from planning and drawing in all of the details that you need to, analyzing your kitchen traffic patterns, choosing the ideal materials, and every other detail to ensure that your kitchen becomes a true “destination” you enjoy working, eating, socializing and living in!